Condensated jet engine gases.
1. For artisitc reasons: The perfect way to store those cylinders.
2. For legal reasons: This is NOT the way you should store gas cylinders.
Well, actually it is our moon.
But i haven't seen moonfall yet, so what do i know.
A Campanula poertenschlagina or Dalmatian bellflower with open flower ready for the butterflies.
..i take pictures . Belive it or not.
Rule #17:
Be carefull when you take pictures of reflective objects.
Be at least kind enough to not be naked while doing so.
"To quack, or not to quack is not the question.
The question is : WHERE IS MY FOOD?"
-Gertrud the Duck 2021
i survived the night without a single ragequit.
This is the background picture of this site.
My cheap autofocus failed again.
Though they are farm animals, the "Bunte Bentheimer Landschweine" are an endangered species.
a qoute by: William Butler Yeats.
Fear not i just googled that.
Tripple F: (Fox Fun Fact)
Foxes have whiskers on their legs and face, which help them to navigate
a.k.a. the colored cabin in the woods.
His name is not Dr. Who.
But who needs to care about names with a face like that?